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Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)

As clinicians, we would all be grateful if we never encountered crises in the clinical setting, but the unfortunate truth is, that regardless of where we practice, crises will inevitably show up. So, what do we do when it does? This training will focus on how to identify crises when they arise and what steps to follow.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Determine criteria for crises
  • Work to resolve crises in the moment
  • Create a plan of action to help clients stay safe
  • And what to do if there is ambiguity regarding safety

Social workers completing this course receive 2 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 2 hours of Clinical, Evidence Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Stacy Blankenship

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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Practical Principles for Running Effective Treatment Groups (1.5HR)

We all know, substance use disorders are a significant public health concern. Defined in terms of the eleven criteria including physiological, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms, as well as consequences of criteria (2 criteria define a disorder).

Individual and community costs of substance use are estimated at over $193 billion and approximately $78.5 billion for opioids alone. Group therapy can be a powerful source of therapeutic healing. It is the delivery and shared experience that sets group therapy apart. Group therapy can serve as an indispensable element of effective substance misuse and mental health treatment.

Upon completion of this traininf, participants will be able to:

  • LIST several goals of group treatment.
  • DESCRIBE at least 5 benefits from group therapy.
  • TROUBLESHOOT methods to deal with distinct types of participants in groups.
  • EXPLORE group leader roles, methods, and responsibilities in therapy.

Social workers completing this course receive 1.5 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 1.5 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Dr. Paul Hardy

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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Addressing Addiction in Couples Therapy (1.5HR)

While addiction is often referred to as a “family disease,” current approaches in recovery do not provide treatments that address or account for the relationship between the person with an addiction and their partner. Even if the partner with the SUD has sought treatment and is maintaining their sobriety, it does not take away maladaptive patterns of communicating, broken trust, and emotional pain in the relationship. This training aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively address addiction within the context of couples therapy.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Addiction Dynamics by providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of addiction, including its impact on individuals and relationships.
  • Identify the Differentiation of Roles and Responsibilities by clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each partner in the context of addiction and discuss how these roles may contribute to the dynamics of substance use and abuse.
  • Teach Goal Setting for Recovery by guiding participants in setting realistic and achievable goals for addiction recovery within the couple and explore the importance of collaborative goal-setting for successful outcomes.
  • Help Clients Build Trust and Repair Relationships by exploring rebuilding trust within the relationship that has eroded due to addiction and provide strategies for repairing and strengthening the overall relationship 

Social workers completing this course receive 1.5 Clinical/Substance-Specific asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 1.5 hours of Clinical, Substance-Specific, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Zumrad Ahmedjanova, LCSW-S, LCAS, CCS (she/her)

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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Honoring Learning Differences to Maximize Therapy Success for Our Clients (1.5HR)

Let us partner to uncover and address the many factors that intersect in learning differences while incorporating systems of support. We are charged with being innovative to improve methods of early identification of learning differences and create new supports to help all learners achieve their potential and participate fully in society. Sociocultural factors influence learning so creating opportunities to design better educational approaches for all learners builds capacity for all.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Expand their knowledge of the different learning styles to incorporate them to improve clients’ experiences and outcomes.
  • Consider ways to adapt their interaction styles to suit their clients best.
  • Engage clients more readily and thus move toward successful termination by having a strengths-based approach to their learning style.

Social workers completing this course receive 1.5 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 1.5 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Tonya Logan

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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Relationships 101: An Introduction to Couples Therapy (1.5HR)

In this training, participants will learn the main reasons couples seek therapy, understand and apply therapeutic techniques in the context of relationships, and explore the intricacies of relationship dynamics at play offering a nuanced perspective on the factors influencing them. The course will teach how to educate and support clients in developing healthy relationship skills. During the course, participants will learn the fundamental principles and theories, and recognize and respect cultural diversity in relationships.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understanding Relationship Dynamics
  • Teach Effective Communication skills
  • Identify and implement Intervention strategies
  • Develop Cultural Competence in Working with Diverse Couples

Social workers completing this course receive 1.5 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 1.5 hours of Clinical, Cultural Competence, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Zumrad Ahmedjanova, LCSW-S, LCAS, CCS (she/her)

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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The Impact of Implicit Bias (1.5HR)

This training will give participants tools to enable them to see the child/family/client through a trauma-informed lens. Participants will be able to define what implicit bias is, how it manifests in their work as a helping professional, and discuss how the lack of cultural competency has historically and contemporarily reinforced barriers and created greater disparities within minoritized and marginalized communities through the policies, and practices and procedures in the field of the helping professional. Participants will also be challenged to consider the narratives that have been created about the people they encounter and how this may impact practices. We will model the creation of a safe space to discuss our own judgmental thoughts and how to acknowledge and then address them in a productive way.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize self-awareness to identify their own implicit biases and the ways in which these biases
    impact their practice.
  • Address the ways helping professionals acknowledge or do not acknowledge diversity in their work
    with colleagues, students, and clients/communities and the ways that social workers may make judgments based on implicit biases.
  • Engage in reflection on ways that they can approach their work with respect and appreciation
    of diversity as well as being challenged to consider how their implicit biases have impacted their direct client practice and their perceptions of colleagues and clients/communities.
  • Engage in strategies to acknowledge and address such biases so as to reduce the impact of
    implicit biases on practices as well as describe strategies for addressing implicit bias in practice.

This course qualifies for 1.5 CE hours of Clinical, General Skill Building and Implicit Bias training.

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (1.5HR)

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness strategies in order to help individuals better understand and manage their thoughts and emotions in order to achieve relief from feelings of distress. Though originally developed to address recurrent depression, MBCT may be beneficial to people seeking treatment for a wide range of mental health concerns. In this training, we will explore the goals of MBCT, compare and contrast with other popular psychotherapies, and review and implement practical strategies that can be implemented with any patient.

Upon completion of this training, participants  will be able to:

  • Define the Goals of MCBT
  • Compare and contrast MBCT to other 3rd Wave Psychotherapies
  • Implement Practical Strategies and Exercises Used Within MBCT Sessions

This course qualifies for 1.5 CE hours of General Skill Building and Evidence-Based training.

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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The Work of Play Therapy (1.5HR) 

Accomplishing the goals of treatment through play therapy can be challenging. Elevate your play therapy techniques by attending this training, whether you are new to play therapy or not. Bring your creativity and depart re-invigorated with how to assess, teach skills, and process life events with kids through play therapy.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Define directive and non-directive play therapy.
  • Describe the skills that play therapy can teach.
  • Summarize the steps to staying with the play.
  • Distinguish strategies that teach skills in play therapy.

This course qualifies for 1.5 CE hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building training.

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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Counseling Teens with Substance Use Diagnosis: Facing and Addressing the Unique Challenges for this Population (1.5HR)

Target Audience: Psychologists, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialists, Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists.

Content level: Beginner to Intermediate. 

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Assess and diagnose teens with Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
  • Analyze specific therapeutic approaches & evidence-based practices implemented for treating teens with SUDs
  • Criticize unique challenges for families & develop interventions in working with families
  • Conclude specific treatment considerations for teen substance use

This course qualifies for 1.5 CE hours of Substance Specific, General Skill Building, and Evidence-Based Practices training. 

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)
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Healing Trauma – Somatic Experiencing (1.5HR)

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-centered approach to treating PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) that, rather than focusing only on thoughts or emotions associated with a traumatic event, expands to include the natural bodily (somatic) responses. It was first conceptualized by trauma therapist Dr. Peter Levine in the 1970s and in the years since it has come to be considered a leading-edge therapy for PTSD. SE builds awareness, coherence, and self-regulation. The result is a deeper understanding of the body/mind connection with an improved ability to release and regulate emotions. It also helps manage stress, resolve issues related to trauma, heal from and navigate life transitions, and relationships, and build resilience.

Upon completion of this training, the participant will be able to: 

  • Define the Core Concepts of “The Body As Healer”
  • Understand the Mystery of Trauma and the Body’s Retention of Trauma
  • Identify Core Traumatic Reaction Arousal
  • Explain How Biology of Trauma Becomes Pathology – Fear & Immobility

This course qualifies for 1.5 CE hours of Clinical, Trauma, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building training.

Introduction to Crisis Management: What do I do now? (1.5HR)