Course Category: General Skill Building
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Introduction to Principles and Interventions (3HR) Presented by Dreya Blume, LCSW
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Introduction to Principles and Interventions (3HR) - $45.00
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) combines mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral approaches with strategies for living a values-driven life. The goal of ACT is to help clients create a healthy relationship with their thoughts and feelings in service to living a fulfilling life. In this highly experiential workshop, you’ll learn the philosophy behind ACT as well as […]
Helping Your Client Break Out of Codependence: Practical Therapy Techniques (3HR) Presented by Leo DeBroeck MS, LMHC, CMHS, MHP
- Helping Your Client Break Out of Codependence: Practical Therapy Techniques (3HR) - $45.00
This 3.0-hour self-study module reviews patterns in unhealthy relationships with themes of codependency and offers practical interventions to help clients.
Working with ADHD: Understanding Treatment and Symptom Management (3HR) Presented by Leo DeBroeck MS, LMHC, CMHS, MHP
- Working with ADHD: Understanding Treatment and Symptom Management - $45.00
This 3-hour coursereviews the current areas of research and theories of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adults including neurology, diagnosis, genetics, co-morbidity, and treatment. The history of ADHD, common misconceptions, and misdiagnosis will be discussed.
Human Trafficking: Modern-Day Slavery and Implications for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder (1.25HR) Presented by Shannon McCabe, MA, LCAS
- Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery Implications for Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder (1.25HR) - $32.00
Human Trafficking: Implications for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder 1.25 hour asynchronous training module.
DBT 1 Introduction to Techniques and Integration into Practice (3HR) Presented by Stacy Blankenship, LCSW
- DBT 1 Introduction to Techniques and Integration into Practice (3HR) - $45.00
DBT Part 1 – Introduction to DBT & Skills This recorded live webinar will provide for 3 ONLINE hours of Evidence-Based Therapy. NCASPPB approved. NBCC ACE # 7091, CE Training Workshops has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP #7091. Programs that do not qualify are clearly identified. CE Training Workshops […]
Using DBT in Working with Borderline Personality Disorder and Trauma (2HR) Presented by Stacy Blankenship, LCSW
- Recorded Webinar 2 Hour - Using DBT in Working with Borderline Personality Disorder & PTSD (2HR) - $32.00
Using DBT in Working with Borderline Personality Disorder & PTSD This online webinar will provide for 2 ONLINE continuing education hours of Evidence-Based Therapy. An exploration of the origin of DBT and its application to working with clients who are diagnosed with BPD and PTSD or other trauma (sexual)
Elderly and Addiction: Identifying and Interventions for Substance Misuse in Older Adults (2HR) Presented by Shannon McCabe, MA, LCAS
- Elderly Addiction: Identifying & Interventions for Substance Misuse in Older Adults (2HR) - $32.00
Elderly Addiction: Identifying Use, Misuse, and Abuse & Providing Effective Interventions Providing 2 ONLINE hours of EBT & SUDE Continuing Education Identify myths and realities of Alcohol, Medications, and Mental Conditions which make up the mix of an ‘invisible problem’, define common medical diagnoses in older adults and preventing medication and alcohol misuse, and determine […]
Using DBT in Working with Borderline Personality Disorder and Trauma (3HR) Presented by Stacy Blankenship, LCSW
- Using DBT in Working with PTSD & Borderline Personality Disorder - $45.00
Using DBT in Working with Borderline Personality Disorder & PTSD This online webinar will provide for 3 ONLINE continuing education hours of Evidence-Based Therapy. NCASPPB Approved. NBCC ACE # 7091, CE Training Workshops has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP #7091. Programs that do not qualify are clearly identified. CE […]
Developing Competence in Everyday Practice in Working With LGBTQI+ Clients (3HR) Presented by Stacy Blankenship, LCSW
- Developing Competence in Working With LGBTQI+ Clients (3HR) - $45.00
Developing Competence in Everday Practice in Working with LGBTQ+ Clients This course offers 3 ONLINE hours of GSB (EBT) Develop competent support for professionals regarding the LGBTQ+ populations. We will review correct and relevant terminology/definitions to better interact and develop the necessary therapeutic relationship through the expression of competence.
Understanding Trauma – Based on the book by Bessel Van Der Kolk “The Body Keeps the Score” (3HR) Presented by Shannon McCabe, MA, LCAS
- Understanding Trauma – Based on the book by Bessel Van Der Kolk “The Body Keeps the Score” - $45.00
Understanding Trauma: Based on the book “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk This course offers 3 ONLINE hours of EBT/PSY WARNING: THIS COURSE CONTAINS MATERIAL DISCUSSING TRAUMA AND SEXUAL TRAUMA. PLEASE PROCEED AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. Topics covered are the definition of trauma, how the “body keeps the score” (changes in […]