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Polyvagal Theory: What is it and How to Implement in Session Work (3HR)


Polyvagal Theory: What is it and How to Implement in Session Work (3HR)

In this webinar, we explore polyvagal theory based on the work of Dr. Stephen Porges and Deb Dana. Participants will learn about the autonomic nervous system, the three nervous system states, and why they are important. Participants will engage in experiential exercises to learn how to identify and move between these states. This will include a discussion of how to introduce and explain the polyvagal theory to clients, which clients are the best candidates, and practical skills to regulate and self-soothe. This webinar will demonstrate how polyvagal theory can help inform and enhance the growth and healing process.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Define polyvagal theory and its relationship to psychotherapy.
  • Educate clients about why polyvagal theory is important for treatment.
  • Identify ideal clients and considerations.
  • Learn how to implement polyvagal theory interventions with clients and self.

This course qualifies for 3 CE hours of General Skill Building and Evidence-Based training.

Polyvagal Theory: What is it and How to Implement in Session Work (3HR)