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The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)

Clinicians who value the cultural aspects of their clients demonstrate acceptance and ethical practice. How do culture and ethics intersect? This training will provide an overview of fundamental cultural concepts relevant to clinical practice. Ethical considerations related to culture will be explored and case studies will illuminate the dilemmas that practitioners may encounter. Learners will be encouraged to explore their practices around resolving ethical dilemmas involving culture and receive valuable recommendations and frameworks for appropriately comprehensively addressing culturally based ethical dilemmas.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe at least three cultural concepts relevant to clinical practice
  • Identify two ethical frameworks for resolving dilemmas involving culture
  • Evaluate culturally based ethical dilemmas to determine the best courses of action

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Ethics asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Ethics, Clinical, Cultural Competence, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Diane Bigler

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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Food and Mood: Exploring the Connection Between Nutrition and Mental Health (3HR)

There is a wealth of evidence showing that what we eat impacts our emotional health. In this training, we will explore that connection, as well as the implications of our gut being our second brain. We will examine studies that have linked nutrition with various mental health symptoms in order that we become more informed in the psychoeducation that we can pass along to our clients. After all, learning about what our clients are regularly eating and drinking can help us – and them – find clues regarding the underlying causes of their emotional distress and how they might improve their well-being.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the impact of nutrition on mental health
  • Understand the connection between mental health and gut issues
  • Understand the influence of the gut on emotional well-being
  • Review clinical studies that have found connections between different nutrients and improved mental health
  • Provide clients with psychoeducational tools related to nutrition and mental health

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Dreya Blume

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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Anger Management: The Keys to Self-Regulation (3HR)

Misdirected anger can be an incredibly destructive force. Internalized anger that is unable to be expressed in a healthy way can become a toxic emotion. Unregulated anger has the power to ruin a person’s life, as well as wreak havoc on interpersonal relationships. In this training, we will explore the physiology of anger in order to learn how to best manage it. You will discover a variety of practical tools and strategies for managing anger that you can share with clients. You’ll be able to assist clients in addressing lingering anger from past hurts, as well as prepare them for what they can do the next time they get triggered. The training is aimed at clinicians who work with both youth and adults.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Review how anger is triggered physiologically in the body
  • Discuss causes of anger (such as shame and guilt)
  • Discuss the physiological effects of anger, both short and long-term.
  • Practice various forms of anger management
  • Assist their clients in recognizing and managing anger triggers

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Dreya Blume

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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Understanding Unconscious Motivations through Dreamwork (3HR)

In this training on dreams which is a part of a series, participants will not only decipher dream metaphors and decode nightmares but also explore the non-linearity of time, storytelling as teaching, and the fluidity of identity. This course is designed to equip mental health professionals with tools to comprehend and address the diverse needs of their clients, fostering inclusivity and understanding of unique client experiences. Understanding archetypes and the symbolic language of dreams will enrich therapeutic approaches, enabling participants to navigate the unconscious landscapes of their clients, ultimately enhancing healing and self-discovery.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Decode Symbolism: Acquire the skills to decipher symbolic representations present within dreams, exploring archetypes, metaphors, and the layers of meanings they convey.
  • Enhance Therapeutic Connection: Develop an understanding of the non-linear nature of time, and the art of storytelling as a teaching tool, and explore the fluidity of identity, fostering improved client connection and therapeutic relationships based on a deeper understanding of individual experiences.
  • Promote Inclusive Client Support: Cultivate inclusive therapeutic practices by comprehending the diverse needs of clients, acknowledging cultural contexts, and tailoring approaches to suit various individual backgrounds, thereby offering more effective and empathetic mental health support.

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Zumrad Ahmedjanova, LCSW-S, LCAS, CCS (she/her)

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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Depression: Hope through Understanding and Treatment (3HR)

This webinar will describe the etiology and symptoms of depression. It will address various therapies such as cognitive, interpersonal, psychodynamic, and group therapies in addition to medical intervention. This webinar is designed to underscore the impact of depression upon the human spirit while emphasizing the potential healing power to reduce or eliminate suffering. Participants will be empowered to help alleviate the devastating disease of depression. One of the most common myths surrounding mental health is that one is either mentally healthy or mentally ill. The reality is that one’s state of being exists on a continuum. A mentally healthy person may experience emotional problems, changes in behavior, or have strained and unhealthy relationships with others. A person diagnosed with a mental illness may experience moments of clarity and be highly functional. The presence of illness does not always impede one’s ability to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Apply practice guidelines, effective education, and empathic, respectful, and nonjudgmental counseling for the treatment of clients with major depressive disorders.
  • Identify appropriate elements of a suicide risk assessment and action plan.
  • Explore relevant psychosocial and cultural issues that impact care.
  • Demonstrate awareness of improved health care outcomes through effective communication and forming therapeutic alliances with clients.

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Tonya Logan

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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DBT Informed Treatment: Mindfulness and Interpersonal Effectiveness (3HR)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is often used to treat Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Did you know that the core four DBT skills are also useful for clients who do not have BPD? This training will introduce learners to the philosophies and tenets of DBT and highlight two of the four core skills: mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness. Clinicians will discover methods of integrating these two DBT-based skills with clients. Explore mindfulness and interpersonal skills such as wise mind, DEAR WOMAN, and FAST. Participants will have increased confidence and knowledge in implementing DBT-informed mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness skills with a variety of clients.

Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Explain mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness within the DBT model.
  • Identify at least three mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness skills to use with clients.
  • Discover the value of integrating DBT-informed treatment with clients to improve their mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness skills.

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Diane Bigler

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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DBT Informed Treatment: Exploring Distress Tolerance and Emotional Regulation Skills (3HR)

Dialectal Behavior Therapy (DBT) has long been known as the go-to treatment model for Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD. DBT has also been shown to be effective for persons without DBT who may be struggling with depression, anxiety, trauma, impulse control issues, and difficulty managing emotions. This training will introduce learners to the core tenets of DBT, including “DBT-informed treatment”, which is the application of DBT skills with non-BPD individuals. The two skills of distress tolerance and emotional regulation will be explored. Learners will obtain perspective on the use of DBT-informed skills and walk away with concrete tools and interventions to increase the client’s abilities to tolerate distress and regulate emotions.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the core tenets of DBT and the basic foundations of the four core skills.
  • Identify the components and skills of distress tolerance and emotional regulation.
  • Integrate distress tolerance and emotional regulation skills into clinical practice.

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Diane Bigler

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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Grief and Loss: Skills for Helping Youth (3HR)

Grief and death have many facets when observed in children and youth whether through unexpected death, incarceration, foster care placement, etc. For this population, these difficult moments can be voluminous. How and when do we talk about the sudden death or terminal diagnoses of their loved ones? Are there key psychosocial factors related to grieving? Expound on the definitions of grief, death, bereavement, and mourning. Explore the various developmental differences and responses considered “normal” versus complicated grief.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of how children and youth grieve
  • Explore misconceptions and facts about grief
  • Be able to identify typical grief reactions and how to respond or intervene as needed
  • Recognize the difference between what grieving young people do and do not need

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Tonya Logan

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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Self-Injury – More than Self-Mutilation and Cutting (3HR)

There are MANY reasons why individuals “choose” to injure themselves. Is it a choice? The definition of self-harm is the deliberate infliction of damage or alteration to oneself often WITHOUT suicidal intent, by those with eating disorders, mental illness, a history of trauma, emotional and/or sexual abuse, and personality traits such as low self-esteem or perfectionism. This training is designed to support professionals who work directly with those who engage in self-harm to learn information and gather tools to use to understand and support those with a self-injury experience. We will review celebrities who are in recovery from self-harm.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand distinct reasons for self-injurious behaviors
  • Assess clients regarding the possibility of leading to them engaging in self-injurious behaviors
  • Know which types of self-injury are most common
  • Educate clients and their loved ones about self-injurious behaviors

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Tonya Logan

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)
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“Autism Thinking”: Understanding the Core Characteristics of ASD while Offering Support (3HR)

Participants will be informed of the neurodevelopmental characteristics of ASD while covering executive functioning, context blindness, theory of mind, central coherence, joint attention, and one-channel processing (montropism). Explore sensory integration with self-regulation, independent work systems, visual strategies to foster independence, social stories, and positive behavior supports. Participants will identify and respond appropriately to various levels of crisis behaviors while learning to manage their emotional responses to distress behavior as maximizing the safety of self and others is key.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand autism and its impact on development.
  • Understand the needs, characteristics, and strengths of individuals with autism and apply them to intervention strategies when working with clients.
  • Interpret distress behaviors and address the cause of the behavior to de-escalate the situation.
  • Use communication skills to be supportive and strengthen interventions to de-escalate potential conflict situations.

Social workers completing this course receive 3 Clinical asynchronous continuing education credits.

For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 3 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, and General Skill Building continuing education training.

Course Instructor: Tonya Logan

The Intersection Of Ethics And Culture: Exploring Considerations and Case Studies (3HR)