The Cost of Freedom: Military and Veteran Substance Use Disorders (2HR)
The Cost of Freedom: Military and Veteran Substance Use Disorders (2HR)
Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a significant problem among military veterans and are associated with numerous deleterious effects. Service members use substances such as alcohol, prescription medication, tobacco, and illicit drugs. While service members use illicit substances at lower rates than the general population, binge drinking rates in the military exceed those among the general population. A significant portion of active-duty service members will experience a substance use disorder during their enrollment in the military. Drug use can negatively affect combat readiness and reduce the performance of troops.
Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Educate clients about current information on the prevalence of SUD among military veterans.
- Identify clinical characteristics of SUD.
- Apply evidence-based treatment practices for substance use disorder.
Social workers completing this course receive 2 General/Substance-Specific asynchronous continuing education credits.
For other board approvals, this course qualifies for 2 hours of Clinical, Evidence-Based Practices, Substance-Specific and General Skill Building continuing education training.
Course Instructor: Dr. Paul Hardy