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CSS Part 3: Unraveling Supervisory Responsibilities (3HR) Individual Course

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Clinical Supervision Part 3: Unraveling Supervisory Responsibilities (3HR) Individual Course

In this segment of the series, we discuss supervisory responsibilities as it relates to assessments of our supervisee and teaching them about providing services in an ethical manner, adhering to confidentiality and protecting clients from harm, avoiding harmful relationships with clients, and maintaining/addressing competency while embracing different clinical techniques and approaches. We will practice working with supervisees who do not meet competency (substance use, sexual harassment) and the need for consultation and guidance in such situations. Finally, we will discuss transference/countertransference in both the supervisee/client relationship and the supervisee/supervisor relationship.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Determine how to effectively conduct assessments – Self-Assessment and Supervisee Assessment.
  • Examine and process stumbling blocks identified through the assessment process.
  • Lead role-play sessions of common supervisee issues such as burnout, attraction to a client, and countertransference.
  • Define transference and countertransference in the counseling and supervisory relationship.
  • Practice practical tools that can be used in the session to address transference and countertransference via case study breakout sessions.

This course qualifies for 2 or 3 CE hours of Clinical Supervision and 0 or 1 hour of Ethics (totaling 3 hours) training.

CSS Part 3: Unraveling Supervisory Responsibilities (3HR) Individual Lesson